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Welcome to Dragonfly Crystals! Maggie and I are passionate about sharing our exquisite crystals, fine jewelry, and personally selected hard-to-find earthly treasures with our valued customers. Our fans are smart, intuitive, and loyal, but above all...they are adventurer's in life with a keen eye for quality. We love to make them happy, and they respond in kindness with their loyalty and repeat business.


For us, it all started auspiciously in Portland on July 27, 2003 at our favorite pub over a glass of vino. Maggie and I had just returned from Mexico and were conjuring up plans for our next great expedition, when thoughts of Africa, The Namib desert, and African stones danced in our heads. South Africa and Namibia are home to many of the world's most precious stones and fabulous crystals, and for two "woo people" romantically simpatico with stones and crystal energy, this pilgrimage of love, wonder, and adventure would soon breathe life into our new company...Adventures In Woo".


Since then, we've operated two Portland based retail stores and various pop-up shops, held classes and workshops, and hosted many hands-on crystal events. We still offer Reiki healing, tarot readings and do house blessings and crystal classes through Adventures in Woo. Now, we are breaking out the crystal portion and joining the online world with the launching of our business... Dragonfly Crystals. We hope you enjoy your shopping experience with us! 


Ted Hewitt 


Giving Back

Maggie Blanke

Founder and Crystal Diva



We call her "The Crystal Diva". because she is. As one of the founders of Dragonfly Crystals, she is not only an outstanding entrepreneur, but a dedicated teacher, healer, and sage of the mineral kingdom. Maggie's fascination and unconditional love of stones, crystalized at a very young age. During her childhood days in the Midwest, instead of Barbie dolls and tea parties, Maggie spent countless hours admiring and playing with her Grandmother's exotic caboodle of mysterious rocks, crystals, and minerals from exotic parts of the world. As an adult, her "crystal work" and preoccupation with the metaphysical flourished during her travels throughout the United States, Canada, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Today, Maggie's crystal-consciousness is the life blood of Dragonfly Crystals, where every crystal, jewelry piece, antique, and rare treasure is hand-selected by her for its utmost quality and unique character.  Maggie brings her twenty years of crystal expertise, insight, and celebration, to the fascinating world of crystals for all to enjoy.

Ted Hewitt

Co-Founder and Weed Wizard


Hailing from Eastern Canada, Ted's fascination with the plant kingdom and allure of the outdoors started early on. As a young boy, he accompanied his Russian grandparents on "nature walks", picking mushrooms, berries, flowers, and herbs for culinary edibles and natural "medibles". His love for rock hounding was not far behind. Nor were his future entrepreneurial opportunities. In the mid-60's, after a three thousand mile road trip, Ted found himself in Southern California with a serious case of "culture shock", and a burning passion to start anew and succeed. He pioneered the corporate barter-exchange concept with his fledgling company Time Trade of California, championed the nutritional value of whey and granola with Whey-To-Go Foods, and negotiated his way through almost forty years in the transportation industry with a start up franchise called Trent, Inc. Along the way, he melded his biology background with a degree in natural health, studied herbology, and flower essences, and became a reiki  practitioner. Adventitiouly, he fell in love with crystals, (and of course, with The Crystal Diva).

Lola Dubois

Aloof Chat Noir Muse & Security Guard


Lola is a native Oregonian and proud of it. Her "woo-ness" embodies the true spirit of Dragonfly Crystals and facilitates her primary jon function by guarding the house, keeping a cat's-eye on wayward spirits, and tests the kinetic energy of crystal spheres (basically, she swats them around). Lola joined our team in 2005, was home-schooled in the crystalline energies (no choice..., she lives with us!...and them!!), and is a natural born etherial clairvoyant. When she's not on the midnight prowl, Lola can be found warming herself in a sunny spot, on her back, watching the world go by "upside down". She loves naps, tuna, and talking to the hummingbirds. 


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